How to Maintain Your Airsoft Gun (Full Maintenance Guide)

Regular maintenance of your airsoft gun is crucial to ensure it performs optimally and lasts for years. Proper care can prevent common issues and enhance the overall experience. In this guide, we’ll walk you through all the necessary steps for effective airsoft maintenance, covering everything from basic cleaning to deep internal care.

Let’s dive right into the maintenance tips and see how you can prolong your airsoft weapon’s lifespan!

Basic Maintenance

Basic maintenance goes a long way. If you build a habit of maintaining your tactical airsoft gear and guns, the probability of running into a malfunction or a failure of your gear is exponentially lower.

Here’s what you should keep in mind when conducting basic maintenance:

Cleaning the Exterior

After each use, it’s essential to clean the exterior of your airsoft gun. Start by wiping it down with a dry cloth to remove any dust and dirt. For the moving parts, use a silicone spray, which helps keep everything smooth and prevents rust. Pay special attention to the trigger, magazine release, and safety switch, as these areas can collect grime.

Battery Care

Taking care of your battery is vital for your airsoft gun's longevity and performance. Proper charging techniques are important. Always use the charger recommended by the manufacturer and avoid overcharging, which can damage the battery. When storing the battery, ensure it is at a partial charge rather than fully charged or completely drained. Store it in a cool, dry place to extend its lifespan.

Deep Cleaning and Lubrication

Deep cleaning and vigilant lubrication of your systems is a must. Regardless of how often you conduct regular maintenance, there’s still a need for a deeper dive into your weapons system. Also, if you’ve had a rifle or short barrel jams, you’ll know how impactful regular lubrication is.

Here’s what you should know: 

Disassembly Tips

Deep cleaning your airsoft gun requires some disassembly. Make sure you have the right tools on hand, such as screwdrivers and hex keys. Before you start, ensure the gun is unloaded and the battery is removed to prevent any accidents. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disassembly to avoid damaging any components.

Cleaning the Barrel

The barrel should be cleaned regularly to maintain accuracy. Use a cleaning rod with a soft cloth or a specific airsoft barrel cleaning tool. Insert the rod gently and rotate it to remove any dirt or residue. This simple step can significantly improve your shooting accuracy and prevent jams.


Lubrication is essential for the smooth operation of your airsoft gun. Use a high-quality silicone oil for the moving parts such as the cylinder and nozzle. You can get high-quality lubrication in any good airsoft store. Make sure to add a high quality grease or lubricant to the gearset, and piston as well. Excessive lubrication can attract dirt and cause malfunctions, if you are unsure of how much lubrication to add or where to place it, we recommend taking your replica to a qualified airsoft techncian!

Gearbox Maintenance

Even intermediate airsoft enthusiasts often neglect their gearbox. In many cases, the attention you pay to your weapon system’s gearbox is the difference between an intermediate and a pro.

An airsoft sidearm ready for airsoft maintenance.

Here’s where your attention should be focused: 




Regularly inspect the gearbox for signs of wear and tear. Look for any cracks in the gears, worn-out pistons, or broken teeth. Early detection of these issues can prevent more serious damage and costly repairs.

Cleaning the Gearbox


To clean the gearbox, you’ll need to open it up. This can be a bit tricky, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely. Once open, use a soft brush or cotton swab to remove any debris and old grease. Extra dirty gearboxes can be more easily cleaned with the use of Isopropyl alcohol. Make sure all parts are clean before reassembling.


Lubrication and Reassembly


After cleaning, apply a thin layer of gearbox grease to the gears and piston track. This will ensure smooth operation and reduce wear. Reassemble the gearbox carefully, making sure all parts are correctly aligned. Test the gun to ensure everything is working properly.


Hop-Up Unit Maintenance


A hop-up unit is a crucial part of your weapons system. If you don’t dedicate enough attention to it, it will fail you without any exceptions.


Here’s what you should be focused on when maintaining it:


Understanding the Hop-Up


The hop-up unit is crucial for your airsoft gun’s performance, affecting both range and accuracy. Regular maintenance of this component is necessary to keep your gun performing at its best.


Disassembly and Cleaning


To maintain the hop-up, disassemble it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Clean the bucking and chamber with a soft cloth to remove any dirt or residue. Be gentle to avoid damaging these sensitive parts.

Reassembly and Adjustment


Reassemble the hop-up unit carefully, ensuring all components are correctly fitted. Adjust the hop-up for optimal performance by following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Regular adjustments can improve accuracy and ensure consistent performance. We recommend always turning you hop-up unit to the ‘off’ position when you are done using your replica to avoid premature wear and tear of the bucking. 


Preventive Airsoft Maintenance Tips


It’s always better to prevent a problem than to solve it. In that spirit, here are the best preventive maintenance tips we’ve compiled and felt the need to share with you:


Regular Inspections


Performing regular inspections on your airsoft gun can prevent small issues from becoming significant problems. Check your gun after every few uses to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Look for any loose screws, cracks, or worn-out parts. By catching these issues early, we can avoid more extensive damage and keep our airsoft guns in top condition.


Storage Best Practices


Proper storage is crucial for maintaining your airsoft gun’s performance. Store your gun in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid damp areas that could cause rust or corrosion. When not in use, keep the gun in a case or cover it with a cloth to protect it from dust and accidental damage. Storing your gun properly ensures it stays in good condition and is always ready for action.


Handling Tips


How we handle our airsoft guns can significantly impact their longevity. Always handle your gun with care, avoiding dropping or knocking it against hard surfaces. Use a sling when carrying it for extended periods to reduce strain on the gun and yourself. When transporting your gun, use a padded case to protect it from bumps and jolts. By handling our guns carefully, we can prevent unnecessary damage and prolong their lifespan.


Troubleshooting Common Issues


Regardless of the weapon system you’re carrying in the field, there will be malfunctions and issues you’ll face. This is inevitable.


So, instead of stressing about these, let’s learn how to address them:


Misfiring and Jamming


Misfiring and jamming are common issues that can often be resolved with a bit of troubleshooting. If your gun is misfiring, check the hop-up unit and barrel for obstructions.

A man experiencing a jam as a result of non-regular airsoft maintenance.

A big airsoft maintenance tip we highly recommend you don’t overlook - clean the barrel regularly. As discussed earlier, this can prevent many of these issues. If your gun is jamming, it could be due to dirty or worn-out components in the gearbox. Regular cleaning and proper lubrication can help prevent jams. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to replace worn-out parts.

Battery Problems

Battery-related issues can significantly affect the performance of your airsoft gun. If your gun isn’t firing or the rate of fire is low, it could be a battery problem. Ensure your battery is fully charged and that you’re using the correct charger. If the battery is old or damaged, replacing it can often resolve these issues. Additionally, check the battery connectors and wiring for any signs of damage or wear.

Performance Issues

Performance issues, such as a decrease in accuracy or range, can often be traced back to the hop-up unit or the barrel. Regular maintenance of the hop-up, as described earlier, can improve accuracy. If you notice a drop in performance, it might be time to clean or replace the hop-up bucking. Additionally, ensure your barrel is clean and free of obstructions. Upgrading to a tight bore barrel can also enhance accuracy and range.


Maintaining your airsoft gun doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these airsoft maintenance tips, we can ensure our guns perform at their best and have a long lifespan.

Regular cleaning, proper lubrication, and careful handling go a long way in keeping our equipment in top condition. Remember, taking the time to perform regular maintenance will pay off in the long run, providing a more enjoyable and reliable airsoft experience.

By integrating these practices into our routine, we can enjoy our airsoft guns for years to come.

For the most reliable airsoft weapon systems in the market, as well as the maintenance gear you’ll need to keep your collection smooth and running, visit our website today. We guarantee you’ll find everything you need and want in one place!